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코난 오브라이언, 인텔리젠시아 커피 테이스팅을 가다

인텔리젠시아 커피 Intelligentsia Coffee, 들어보셨나요? 인텔리젠시아 커피는 1995년 시카고에서 로스터리 카페로 시작해서, 현재는 커피 로스팅 및 판매를 전문적으로 하는 곳입니다. 블루보틀 BlueBottle, 스텀프타운 Stumptown과 함께 미국 3대 스페셜티 커피 브랜드로 알려져 있고, 한국에서는 현재 기준 5개의 카페에서 인텔리젠시아 커피를 즐길 수 있습니다.


저는 종종 판교 현대백화점에서 식사를 하고나면 지하 1층에 있는 이스팀 커피 Esteem Coffee로 가는데요, 바로 이 곳에서 인텔리젠시아 커피를 마실 수 있기 때문입니다.  이스팀 커피는 인텔리젠시아의 원두 및 상품을 수입해서 판매하고 있습니다. 팔레데떼 Palais des Thes 라는 프랑스 브랜드의 티도 같이 판매하고 있고요.


이스팀 커피의 설명에 의하면, 미국 내에 있는 인텔리젠시아 로스팅 센터에서 커피 로스팅 직후 한국으로 운송되고, 모든 커피는 로스팅 후 30일 이내의 원두를 사용한다고 하네요. 신선한 원두를 사용하니 원두커피를 마셔야 하는 게 아닌가 싶지만, 저는 이곳의 고소한 라테가 좋더라고요! 하얀 머그잔에 가득 담긴 라테를 다 마시면 인텔리젠시아 커피의 로고인 빨간 별이 컵 바닥에 보이는 게 또 다른 재미랍니다. 


매장이나 사이트에서도 원두 구매가 가능하지만 잘 찾아보면 온라인 구매대행이 더 저렴하기도 하더라구요. 배송되어 오는 과정에서 신선도가 조금 떨어질 순 있지만, 가격면에서 5천원정도 차이나는 경우도 있어서 잘 찾아서 구매하면 괜찮은 것 같아요. 제가 찾은 최저가 공유드립니다 (현재 최저가이기 때문에 이후에 달라질 수 있습니다!)




인텔리젠시아 엘 디아블로 다크 로스트 블렌드 340g



“파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있음"




오늘 가지고 온 유튜브 영어 영상은 인텐리젠시아 커피에 관한 영상입니다. 한국에도 방문해서 얼굴을 알린 MC이자 영화배우인 코난 오브라이언 Conan O'Brien이 LA에 있는 인텔리젠시아 커피를 방문해서 커피 시음회를 하는 영상입니다. 카페인에 관해서라면 진지한 태도를 보이는 Jordan과 함께 인텔리젠시아 커피 테스팅을 하러 가서, 조단의 커피 지식을 시험하죠. 로봇 같은 조단과 대비되는 코난의 장난이 꽤 재밌습니다. 더불어 커피 관련 용어도 배울 수 있을 거예요! 


순서대로 영상, 영어자막, 단어 정리해 두었습니다. 그럼 오늘도, 하루에 하나 유튜브 영어공부 함께해요! 😎


Step 1. 영어 자막 없이 영상 보기. 전체적인 의미 파악 

Conan Takes Jordan Schlansky Coffee tasting - CONAN on TBS (2014.11.19)


Step 2. 영어 자막을 보면서 모르는 표현 및 단어 확인. 


# Scene 1
We're here at Intelligentsia Coffee, with my friend, Jordan Schlansky. Now Jordan, you consider yourself a bit of a coffee expert, do you not?

Jordan: I enjoy coffee.

Conan: You enjoy coffee. And you enjoy coffee to the point that you purchased with show money a uh espresso maker, is that right? And had it placed near your office, yes?


Jordan: It was a reasonable purchase.


Conan: Reasonable purchase, but you didn't ask me first.


Jordan: It's not out of line with the normal status quo of the office.

(Conan: Did you ask me first?)


Conan: Did you ask me first?


Jordan: No.


Conan: Anyway, we've established the point that Jordan stole from me and bought an espresso machine. That's how much he loves coffee.

This young gentleman right here is Sam. Is that right, Sam?

Sam, good to see you. What does Intelligentsia mean? Is it an Italian word?


Sam: It's an old political party during the wars.


Conan: I see. Do you know- you know Italian?


Jordan: It's not an Italian word.


Conan: Ok. Alright. But do you know what it means Intelligentsia?


Jordan: I was just told it was an old political party during the war.


Conan: You being a wise-ass with me right now?


Jordan: No.

Conan: That's what he just said.


Jordan: That's what I was told.


Conan: Don't fuck with me. Alright? I'll take that coffee machine away from you and I'll stuff it down your pants. No, really. I will turn on that espresso machine. Get it going with hot liquids and I'll shove it down the front of his pants. And watch it cook his scrotum. And then you will add some latte.

# Scene 2

Conan: Jordan! I see you eyeing this. Do you wanna buy this for the office? This is the same screen that Jordan sees in his mind every time he tries to register an emotion. Look familiar?

Jordan, tell us what you know about the roasting process.


Jordan: Well, it's important that when coffee is brewed, the beans are at the right level after the roast. Too soon, the beans are still de-gassing. Too late, the beans have become stale.


Conan: de-gassed about three minutes ago.


I love this! That's my favorite label that I've seen in a long time. I don't know if you can see that. Bean Probe. I must consult the Bean Probe!


What kind of bean is in there?


Sam: That's a coffee from Guatemala.


Conan: That's a Guatemalan Bean. Do you like a Guatemalan bean?


Jordan: I expect it's 100% Arabica. That's the trend today in most modern coffee shops. Although, traditionally speaking, the espresso in Italy was a combination of Arabica and Robusta. And the problem with single origin is often there's one flavor profile.


Sam: So, for your perfect cup of coffee, Jordan, what do you wanna taste?


Conan: Yeah, what's your perfect cup of coffee?


Jordan: My underlying flavor profile is chocolate.


Conan: Isn't that called Cocoa? Isn't that what kids drink? Why don't you just have a cup of cocoa in the morning?


Jordan: What you're saying is not logically sound.


Conan: Why?


Jordan: I'm talking about a flavor profile of chocolate within coffee.


Sam: How do you like your meat?


Jordan: Medium-rare to rare.


Sam: I see. So for coffee, a lighter roast is essentially more a medium-rare then a  well-done.


Jordan: I don't agree with that analogy.


Conan: You're disagreeing with a coffee expert?!


Jordan: Coffee is like black trouffles. Its true flavor comes out only through heat.


Conan: Hold me back! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Take it back!

Conan: Look at it! It's perfect! Has anyone every fallen into this machine and been mixed in with the beans accidentally? And when they went to drink it, it was filled with human bone, and blood, and gore? Jordan, why don't you take a closer look? Jordan, just lean in. 


# Scene 3 

Conan: OK Sam, tell us, where are we now?


Sam: We're in the cupping room.


Conan: The cupping room. And we are joined by the beautiful Eden.


Eden: Yes.


Conan: So, we're going to taste some coffee now. Tell us what to do.


Eden: So each of these three cups is the same coffee. Some are blends. Some are single-origin coffees.


Sam: What kind of flavors are you tasting?


Conan: I'm getting coffee on this side of my mouth. And over here, I'm getting uh more coffee. And in the front, I'm picking up strong hints of coffee. What are you getting, Jordan?


Jordan: A is fruitier.


Conan: Are you getting a mango? Getting a guava?

(Jordan: Guava, Mango, Papaya)


Conan: What else?


Jordan: Papaya.


Conan: Papaya? How are you getting papaya?


Eden: I'm definitely not getting papaya.


Conan: And you're not getting papaya. You know what? You're having a small stroke. That's what's happening. We have to get you to the hospital mmm within the month. I'm really not rooting for you to win.


Eden: Do you have a standout favorite, either of you?


Jordan: I like earthy qualities of certain samples. I like fruitier qualities of other samples.


Conan: I bet he does.

Where do you guys stand on like putting a flavoring into the coffee? This is one that I enjoy. It's chocolate-chip cookie.


Eden: We put a lot of effort working with our producers and then Sam does his wonderfulness roasting. So we typically find that the chocolate-chip cookie overshadows the effort.


Conan: This is my favorite right now. You see- I'm getting milk and I'm getting chocolate-chip cookie. Just try that please.


Jordan: I'm not interested.


Conan: One sip. Close your eyes. Does that not take you back to childhood, when you'd come into the house?


Jordan: No it doesn't.


Conan: And your Mother would say, "Jordan! Jordan! I made you some cookies." And then she'd pause and say, "Why don't you ever make eye-contact with me?" "Get out you freak! Get out!"


Jordan: Cookies weren't made with monoglycerides.


Sam: Is this your favorite?


Conan: This might be my favorite yet. You know what? Hold on. That's very good.


Jordan: There is some traditional basis for this string coffee called Con Panna. It does exist in Italy. Although this whipped cream is an artificially-processed product once again.


Conan: What were you saying?


Jordan: This is artifically-processed and overly sweetened. There are no qualities of the cream that come forward.
I inhaled a lot of the gas propellant. I have to assume that's dangerous as well.


Conan: I think you'd be fine. It only affects- ah! Humans! You're good.


Jordan: I think the real art of espresso in particular as a method of preparation is not so much in turn to the bean itself but in the preparation of the bean. I take issue with the way a lot of coffee bars in the United States prepare their espresso.


Conan: I would rather watch this table spin than listen to anything you have to say.


# Scene 4 


Conan: Eden, what's going to happen now?


Eden: We're going to be making drinks. So I figured we'd start with espressos, since I've heard that's what you're super into.


Jordan: The problem with this process here is that again I prefer the traditional style of seven grams of coffee per 25 milliliters of water.


Eden: This is our espresso. Wanna try?


Conan: Yeah. Sure!


Eden: What do you think?


Jordan: It's the American style of espresso. It's fruity. It's a little over-concentrated for my taste. I don't like the American coffee culture. What they perceive to be a good espresso is an espresso that has had so much coffee jammed into a small amount of water, that they suddenly perceive it as something that they've never tasted before and therefore it's good.


Conan: Get him! Get him, Eden! Get him!


Eden: So what we're looking for is we're looking for the proper amount of extraction for each coffee particle.


Jordan: Based on what criteria?


Eden: Based on the actual solubles that we're extracting. The issue is if I push it over 22, 23 and I go towards my 30 percent extraction, those tannins are going to overpower any of the sugars and acids that we had in there.


Conan: That was fantastic what you just did. You just ripped him a new a-hole and I loved it. Thank you! Thank you! You got schooled, son! A dollar bill for days. Tupac.

# Scene 5 

Conan: What do you think we've learned today? Have we learned anything?


Jordan: I think what we've learned is that coffee, like most of the sweetest things in life, is best enjoyed with people you care about.


Conan: I'm going to throw up.


Step 3. 영상 다시 보기 

영상 없이 위에 제가 적어둔 자막만 보면 이게 무슨 내용인가 싶으실 것 같아요. 그러니 영상과 자막을 여러번 번갈아 보시면서 공부하시면 재밌게 즐기실 수 있으실 겁니다! 시종일관 딱딱한 로봇 같은 대답만 하는 조단과 이를 답답해하며 조단에게 짓궂은 장난을 치는 코난의 모습이 정말 재미있거든요. 


▼ 영어단어 뜻 확인하기 



out of line

(idiomatic) Inappropriate or unsuitable, especially by reason of being unmannerly or indelicate.


status quo

현재의 상황, 현상


wise-ass /ˈwīzˌas/

(noun) a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything.

(adj) irritatingly clever or smug

건방진[잘난 체하는] (녀석)



fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something.

(빽빽이) 채워 넣다 [채우다], 쑤셔 넣다



put (something) somewhere carelessly or roughly.

아무렇게나 놓다[넣다]


scrotum /ˈskrōdəm/




(Verb) look at or watch closely or with interest.

(특히 탐이 나거나 의심스러워서) 쳐다보다



express or convey (an opinion or emotion).

(감정을) 나타내다 [표하다]



make (tea or coffee) by mixing it with hot water.

(커피차를) 끓이다 [만들다]



가스를 제거하다



(of food) no longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty, or dry.

신선하지 않은, (만든 지) 오래된



be the cause or basis of (something).

(… 의) 기저를 이루다 [기저가 되다]



a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification

비유, 유추


Take it back

그 말 취소해



blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence.

(특히 폭행당한 상처에서 흘러나오는 짙은) 피, 선혈



커피의 맛과 향을 감별하는 것



타동사. (행위 등을 [에]) 함께 하다 [합류하다]


root for

support or hope for the success of (a person or group entering a contest or undertaking a challenge).



Where do you stand on?

어떤 입장입니까? 



이제 [앞으로] (… 동안)



(스프레이용) 압축가스


take issue with

disagree with; challenge.

문제를 삼다, 트집 삼다, (~에 대해) ~에게 이의를 제기하다


soluble /ˈsälyəb(ə)l/

able to be dissolved, especially in water

(액체에) 녹는, 용해성이 있는



be too intense for; overwhelm.



rip someone a new a-hole (asshole)




(Verb) train or discipline (someone) in a particular skill or activity.

훈련[단련]시키다, 익히다 [기르다]