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화산에 쓰레기를 버려도 괜찮을까?


하루에 하나, 유튜브로 같이 영어 공부해요!


오늘 고른 주제는 유튜브 채널 'WHAT IF'에서 만든 영상으로, 화산에 쓰레기를 버려도 괜찮을지에 관한 내용입니다. 한국어 자막은 제공하고 있지 않는 채널이지만 호기심을 일으키는 재밌는 내용의 영상들이 많아요. 우선 영상 내용을 한국어로 의역하고, 영상 원문과 단어 정리했습니다. 


유튜브로 영어 공부하는 법! 
1. 내용을 70% 이상 이해할 수 있는 영어 영상 (3~10분 분량)을 먼저 자막 (CC) 없이 듣습니다. 동영상으로 보면, 그냥 해당 내용을 글로 읽거나 소리로 듣기만 하는 것보다 더 내용 이해가 쉬우실거에요. 

2. 영어 자막을 켜고 (자동 생성되는 자막보다, 채널에서 자체 제공하는 영어 자막의 질이 더 좋습니다.) 영상을 보면서, 모르는 단어와 표현을 체크합니다. 이때 가능하다면 영한사전보다는 구글에서 영영사전으로 찾아봅니다 (혹은 영한사전으로 먼저 의미를 파악한 후 영영사전으로 의미파악을 한 번 더 해봅니다).
 2-1. 새로 배운 단어와 표현들을 따로 정리해 두고 반복해서 숙지합니다 (저는 어플 '원보카'를 사용하고 있어요). 

3.  영어 자막 없이 영상을 다시한 번 보면서, 새로 배운 단어, 표현, 발음이 들리는 지 확인해 보세요.  
 3-1. 정리하면, '자막 없이 → 영어 자막 → 자막 없이'의 순서 입니다. 
 3-2. '영어 자막 → 한글 자막 → 자막 없이'의 순서로 보는 걸 추천하기도 합니다. 

4. 영상의 내용, 영상에 대한 자신의 의견을 영어로 정리해보고, 가능하다면 영어로 이야기해보세요.

★ 무엇보다 본인이 재미있게 볼 수 있는 내용의 영상을 골라주세요! 최대한 많이 영어에 노출되고, 반복 학습을 하는 게 도움이 되실 거에요 :) 




What if We Dumped Our Trash into Volcanoes? - WHAT IF (2019.4.16)

[영문] What if we dumped our trash into volcanoes?


A volcano is one of the most unforgiving natural phenomenons on Earth. If you were to fall into its magma-filled center, your body would quickly bubble up, and disappear without a trace.


So if they're so good at getting rid of things, why aren't we using them to get rid of our garbage? Has anyone tried it before?


How would we transport all our trash to them? And what dangers would be involved? This is WHAT IF, and here's what would happen if we dumped our trash into volcanoes. 


Americans alone generate about 254 million tons of trash per year, and although dumping it into volcanoes might sound like the perfect way to get rid of it, it wouldn't be that easy. Volcanoes might look like nature's garbage incinerators, but in reality, they're much more dangerous and unstable, not to mention a lot harder to get to. 


Would overcoming these obstacles be worth it? Or would dumping our trash in volcanoes just cause even more harm to our planet?


The first obstacle in our quest for volcanic garbage disposal would be finding an active volcano that can get the job done. They are only about 1,500 potentially active volcanoes worldwide, and most of them aren't located anywhere mear humans, for obvious reasons.


That means that getting all our trash to an active volcano could turn out to be pretty expensive, and once we get there we may find out it's not even the right kind of active volcano. The kind of volcano we'de be looking for is called a shied volcano, a slow-erupting variety that contains the iconic lava lakes that gradually spew out onto the Earth.


Unfortunately, these aren't very common. You're more likely to come across their angry cousins, known as stratovolcanoes.


Stratovolcanoes are know for their explosive eruptions, caused by the build-up of pressure from hot gas and magma. In other words, they're probably not the safest location for the town dump.


But let's say we're lucky enough to find ourselves a nice active shied volcano; before we worry about the logistics of getting our trash there, let's figure out if it's even a good idea to dump it inside.


If you were one of the first waste collectors hired to drive up to the vent of a volcano, you'd quickly start to question your career choices. The vent of a volcano is a treacherous environment full of poisonous gases, lava splatter, and projectile rocks; and things only get worse once you start throwing stuff inside.


In 2002, a group of Ethiopian researchers threw a 30 kg (66 lb) bag of trash into a volcano, and the results were explosive. Lava lakes are unstable, so if you pierce their surfaces with something cold, like trash, you'll trigger a chain reaction of explosions involving pressurized and acidic stream.


So can you imagine how big these explosions would be if you threw an entire nation's trash in there? Well to put it in perspective, rockfalls into lava lakes in Hawaii have sent lava 85m (280 feet) into the aire, so it'd probably look something like that.


Even if you could safely get your trash into the volcano, you'd still have to worry about all the air pollution created by burning our waste without filters. Plus, not all materials will completely break down in lava, which means that the polluting remnants could erupt out and contaminate the surrounding landscape; not ideal if you were hoping to burn nuclear waste, for example.


Add these environmental impacts on top of the fact that shipping all our trash to these volcanoes would significantly increase the carbon footprint of the waste disposal, and the whole thing looks like a terrible idea.


If we're going to burn our trash, why not at least do it some place where we can use the heat released through incineration to create new sources of energy? Or, instead, maybe we could just shoot our garbage out into space? Surely there can't be any harmful effects there...right? Well, that's a topic for another WHAT IF.


Vocabulary (네이버 영한사전 참고)

Bubble up 끓어오르다

If you were to fall into its magma-filled center, your body qould quickly bubble up, and disappear without a trace. 

Generate 발생시키다, 만들어내다

Americans alone generate about 254 million tons of trash per year,